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Data Science and AI in PublicSonar

| Author: Victor Margallo

I’m Victor Margallo, Data Scientist at PublicSonar and in this blog post I would like to briefly introduce the concepts of AI and Data Science and how we make use of them in our company.

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence or AI is the field of programmable logic or intelligence in a computing environment. AI has been with us for a long time. Even though some historians claim that ancient cultures already had a concept for AI as inanimate objects that could think, it was not until mid-twentieth century that the term was formalised.

With the birth of computers, we were able to start to translate some of our human thinking into the machines. This is a very broad concept as it opens up the definition of AI to every logic programmed in a computer. Computer scientists, mathematicians, physicists, engineers, economists, psychologists etc. They all have been doing AI every day since.

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