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AI Applications for Security, Peace and Justice


AI Applications for Security, Peace and Justice

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Our society would now be inconceivable without artificial intelligence (AI), as it is already widely used. In an age of digitalization with an increasing level of threats, utilising AI presents opportunities for improving both our physical and our digital security. AI can help protect the public, ensure justice and improve general wellbeing. At the same time, using AI also engenders risks and a balance needs to be struck between using AI applications effectively and protecting people’s rights.

The Netherlands AI Coalition’s working group on Security, Peace and Justice (hereinafter also “VVR” – Veiligheid, Vrede en Recht in Dutch) brings relevant national players together so that effective, safe and responsible AI applications can be developed and used to benefit security, peace and a correctly functioning justice system in which humans are the focal point. The working group aims to make the Netherlands one of the leaders in human centric AI for security, peace and justice. In this publication, the working group shows what is needed to achieve this goal, the aspects that need to be focused on, and the current situation. Various solutions, initiatives and applications are also explained.

The position paper is an initative by Security Delta (HSD), Dutch AI Coalition, Ministry of Justice and Security and Dutch Digital Delta.