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Universiteit van Amsterdam: Informatics Institute

Universiteit van Amsterdam: Informatics Institute

Contact info

Universiteit van Amsterdam | Informatics Insitute Lab 42 Science Park 900
1098 XH Amsterdam

Main Contact
Liza Lambert
Project Manager Lifelong Learning

The Informatics Institute of the University of Amsterdam delivers education at the highest level to a large and growing number of students in the Information Sciences. This education is based on world class scientific research that is done by the institute over four research themes: Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Computational Science and Systems and Networking. 

Within the Security and Networking theme there are three research groups (Complex Cyber Infrastructure, MultiScale Networked Systems and Parallel Computing Systems) that are actively researching computer networks, parallel processing, hardware and software architectures, with a strong focus on security and privacy domain. They build, for example, secure implementations of hardware, software and hardware/software co-designed system and also design tools to automate the construction and the verification of secure systems and architectures.

To make our research more accessible to professionals, the Informatics Institute is also focusing on education by offering short IT (technical) masterclasses for professionals all based on the fundamental scientific research of the Institute. 

For more information about the institute and for an overview of our masterclasses, please visit our website.