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SecOps Blind sighted!?

| Author: André Vink

Privacy, both in the physical and online world, is one of the things most people value dearly. With the inevitable shift from physical locations and facilities offered by financial institutions, retail stores and government to an online environment, secure communications and transactions are becoming indispensable.

Many people mistakenly assume that as long as the connection is encrypted, they’re safe from an attack; this couldn’t be further from the truth. This includes cyber criminals and other bad actors who use encryption to hide their malicious activities.

SSL or more correct, its successor, TLS encryption has become the defacto standard and is widely adopted by the industry, not only for web connections but also for other protocols such as email and many others. In 2014 Google started including encryption as a ranking factor for search results, websites using encrypted (HTTPS) connections are ranked higher than websites using plain HTTP. As a result this has led to significantly higher deployments of encrypted connections.

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