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i-LEAD Industry & Research Days at HSD Campus Starts Successful

| Author: HSD Foundation

This week the i-LEAD Industry & Research Days is taking place at the HSD Campus from 6 – 8 September. A three-day event organised by the i-LEAD project, the Polish Platform for Homeland Security and event partners Europol, Enlets, European Clearing Board and Security Delta (HSD). 

Yesterday, 120+ representatives from Europol, ENLETS, practitioners from law enforcement agencies from across Europe and innovative security companies and researchers attended the event. Goal of this 3-day event is to gather information about available technology and innovative solutions for law enforcement agencies. An opportunity for speakers to directly present solutions to representatives of law enforcement agencies from many European countries. But also learn about the needs and requirements of these practitioners to better meet their needs. Also, there is the opportunity to discuss potential new projects and initiatives and to contribute to a continuous dialogue and community building among EU law enforcement.

Steven Ormston from the Polish Platform Homeland Security opened the event. Among the speakers were Jannine van den Berg from the Dutch National Police and Saskia Bruines deputy mayor of the City of The Hague.

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Jannine van den Berg (Dutch National Police): "There is a big impact of technologies on security work, now and in the future. No better place to meet than here in The Hague, a city with a strong profile on security. And at the HSD Campus, where triple helix cooperation on security happens.

"Saskia Bruines (deputy mayor of the Municipality of The Hague): “Security challenges, old and new, need to be addressed together. Keep discussing the human value of applying technology.” She illustrated the commitment of the city to develop, experiment and apply technology from researchers and companies to enhance security. Two of the mentioned examples are the Crowd Safety Manager and the Impact Coalition for Safety & Security.