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The Changing Nature of the Ransomware Menace Today

| Author: Thom Langford

Ransomware is on the rise again, and dramatically so. Reports on the increases year on year vary: Group-IB’s analysis of more than 500 attacks during their own incident response engagements estimated that increase to be 150% in 2020. Blockchain research firm Chainalysis found a 311% increase, year on year, to the end of 2020 in the number of actual ransomware attacks. Whatever the real figure is, it is a problem that is growing, and businesses and organizations of all shapes and sizes, public and private, are feeling it.

There are many reasons why ransomware is on the rise, and to say it is just down to COVID-19 and bored people working from home clicking on anything that looks interesting simply doesn’t do justice to the real situation.

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