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Prevent, Prepare and Prevail: 3 Perspectives on Cybercrime

| Author: Sebastiaan Bosman

There is no one solution to completely secure your organisation. Just as there are many different ways a criminal can plan his attack, there are many different approaches to how you can orchestrate your defense. However, you can talk to different experts, and they probably all advise on different focus points. That’s why we invited three knowledge cybersecurity specialists from three very different backgrounds to share their experiences and tips.


The local baker knows about sourdough bread, not security threats. Still, his website and online personnel registry can be targeted just as well as the digital environment of the city’s town hall or the multinational organisation across the street.

Even though a cyber-criminal usually goes where the most money is, the impact of a successful attack on smaller entrepreneurs is often much bigger. Criminals don’t care about personal circumstances and use fully automated techniques to exploit any digital weakness.

Together with Dave Woutersen (Security Evangelist at NCSC), Pepijn Vissers (co-founder of Chapter8), and Xander Koppelmans (Strategic advisor at Gemeente DNA), we set out to discuss:

Are Dutch organisations sufficiently prepared for a cyber-criminal’s methods and mentality?

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